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Friday, June 18, 2010

Something to Think About

"Jesus said that he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Yet many in the Presbyterian Church persist on beginning with abstract notions of 'truth,' an approach long favored by Western Christendom. The Right insists on "Old Truth," linking a desire for certitude with tradition. The Left favors 'New Truth,' advocating for progress and freedom from constraints. But the Way mattered to Jesus. He would not take any shortcuts to the cross, or use any violence along the way, physical or emotional. For Jesus, the way of suffering, humility, passion, joy, and self-emptying were the ways that led to deeper truth, neither indulging the fetish of traditionalism nor the fetish of novelty, as was the case for the religious authorities of his day. Only equal faithfulness to the Way and the Truth leads to the fullness of Life [in Christ]. We cannot have two masters: Jesus and Machiavelli." Jin S Kim

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